How to order

Kindly place your order to or fill in the form at 'Place orderwith below information and you will receive a confirmation email from us within 24 hours.
1. Item Code/Colour
2. Quantity
3. Name
4. Contact No
5. Shipping Address
6. Mode of delivery

Upon confirmation, you may proceed with the payment.
Local Bank Transfer (via OFFLINE or ONLINE)
*We will inform you the payment method once your order is confirmed*

All payment must be received within 2 days. Kindly inform us through email once payment has been made.After payment is made, please send us notification email with the following details:
1. Your name and contact no.
2. Reference No. printed on the transaction receipt
3. Date and Time of the transaction
4. Amount paid/transfered

Upon payment received, we will proceed with the shipment of your items.

Once payment received, your ordering will be secured. In case it is running out of stock at supplier side, we will give a full refund. Once item reached us, we will proceed with the shipment of your items.